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April 5,  2024 -  Bedford County Arts Council Responds

The Bedford County Arts Council has decided to respond to the inaccuracies that have been shared in City meetings and on Facebook by people who have no affiliation with our board.

Our President who was elected is finishing her fourth term, has recently moved back to her hometown in California. However, she has not neglected any of her duties and works from there. Our 1st Vice President, has taken over any responsibilities necessary and our promotional chair, rental assistant, and theatre assistant is handling responsibilities within those areas. All other current board members are working efficiently in their positions.

There has been absolutely no lack of communication between us and our renters. We, in fact, are booked for the remainder of 2024.

All pertinent duties are being fulfilled and we see no reason to add someone new to our board when the election is so close. The Bedford County Arts Council will accept nominations at our May potluck and voting will occur at the June potluck. Nominations, nomination acceptances, and voting must all be by council members in good standing.

Sherri Frame 
Public Relations & Marketing